The Factory is a space created to expand your network in uniquely designed locations, tailored to meet all your professional and non-professional needs. We offer various solutions including private offices, remote or shared offices, meeting rooms, membership subscriptions, dedicated desks, and many other services aimed at making your work experience enjoyable and productive at the same time.
TF / Seriate (c) 2020
Via Nazionale 93, Seriate (BG)
TF / Bergamo (c) 2023
Via Pelandi 19, Bergamo (BG)
The Factory is a space created to expand your network in uniquely designed locations, tailored to meet all your professional and non-professional needs. We offer various solutions including private offices, remote or shared offices, meeting rooms, membership subscriptions, dedicated desks, and many other services aimed at making your work experience enjoyable and productive at the same time.
TF / Seriate (c) 2020
Via Nazionale 93, Seriate (BG)
TF / Bergamo (c) 2023
Via Pelandi 19, Bergamo (BG)
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The Factory is a space created to expand your network in locations with a unique design, designed to satisfy all your working needs and more. Different solutions including private offices, shared or remote offices, meeting rooms, membership and other services aimed at making your work experience pleasant and productive at the same time. The evolution of spaces and their different variations all with one point in common: the desire to break the mold, suggesting a new way that interfaces work and leisure, a fundamental combination of this era. A lively and transversal headquarters where the present is a tangible opportunity for everyone, because only by constantly shifting the angle is it possible to keep looking to the future. It's our way of seeing things, always.
TF / Seriate (c) 2020
Via Nazionale 93, Seriate (BG)
TF / Bergamo (c) 2023
Via Pelandi 19, Bergamo (BG)
1 /2
2 /2
Contact us at
+39 338 6285718 Bergamo
+39 340 6268550 Seriate
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